The Awards

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Rocking Chair Award

First male classmate

to become a grandpa

John Vozza

Female award

Lois Myers who was unable to attend.

Dick Clark~ Goldie Hawn Award

The least changed of all classmates. This was a hard one, but

Cindy John was the classmate who looked as if she stepped right out

of the yearbook.


Ozzie and Harriet Award

for the classmate who was married the longest, Darlene Trentacosta

24 years. We went by the actual date and Darlene beat us to it

Chamelion Award

for the classmate who changed the most in a postive way

Mindy Potdevin~ Mindy went from shy and quiet to out going

self assured and so much more.


Brady Bunch Award

For the classmate with the most children. Francine Arnoldi beat us

all hands down with 6 children, and she looked great!!! Where does

she find the time and energy!!!!!


Admiral Bird Award

No contest Henry Jansma and Anne Budd traveled from the UK

to NJ to attend. They also received a Sweetheart award for

being married to their high school classmate sweetheart.


The Latest Edition Award went to James Cremona. I do not know

what happened to the picture!!! Anyone have one??? James is the

classmate with the youngest child. 7 months at the time of the reunion.

Can you imagine????!!! We know what they still find time to do. Go James!!


Our Sweethearts

classmates who married their high school sweethearts and still together.

classmate definded as the same year 1975

schoolmate someone attending the same school but in different year.

Donna Ackerman ~ Joe Radino

Karen Cuccia ~ Greg Bailey

Cindy Squire ~ Ric Mabie

Sheryl Houser ~ Tom Struble

and of course Henry and Anne pictured with the Admiral Bird Award.




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